Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Indian National Game

Amongst most of the sports that is being played these days Hockey is one of the favorite of all. In the general sense it is a kind of sport in which two teams compete by trying to maneuver the ball into the opponent's nest using a hockey stick. However, games like hockey have been played in almost every populated region in the globe from Ancient Greece to North America. Hockey has also been played in the ancient times in both foot and in horseback. However, these days playing hockey while sitting on the horse is called the game of Polo. There are many types of hockey like field hockey, ice hockey, roller hockey (online) and roller hockey (quad). However, the most famous form of hockey is the Field hockey. This type of hockey is played on gravel or natural grass with a small hard ball. Nowadays it is played on a special type of artificial surface known as the astro turf.
History of Hockey in India
Hockey in India became popular with the coming of the British. It was when the British army regiments played the game; the Indian regiments also picked up the game and then followed the tradition of playing the game of hockey. Then gradually this game was adopted by the masses. Hockey in India saw its first ever in house hockey club in Calcutta, which was formed in the year 1885-86. Then followed the formation of hockey clubs in Bombay and Punjab. Slowly and gradually this game gained its importance amongst the masses and more and more people started playing it.

1 comment:

  1. Hockey is our national game.Now-a-days most of the people started loving the hockey game.
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